In bed with Jeanne & Mike
2021 | HKB | ACT Basel
The Contrat de Relation Amoureuse de Qualité (Contract for a Quality Love Relationship) is a contract, written by Jeanne Spaeter and supervised by a lawyer, which defines the terms of a Couple relationship between two Partners. The 14 clauses contained in the Contract govern most aspects of the Couple’s love life: number of monthly dating hours, number of nights shared, number of sexual intercourse, introductions to friends and family, holidays, finances, gestures of tenderness or nicknames… The Contract binds both Partners for a period of 365 days. Jeanne and Mike have committed themselves, without knowing each other, in this contractualized Love Relationship on 8th January 2021. At the end of the Love Relationship year, Mike and Jeanne will have to make one last decision together: either the Couple will separate and agree to never see each other again, contact each other or give each other any news, or the Couple will get married. The Couple document their daily life in personal diaries and on the shared Instagram account @relation_amoureuse_de_qualite.